Nov 27, 2020 | General Cleaning | 0 comments


From one of our posts back in May we shone a light on one of our girls, a member of the ever growing Keep It Neat and Clean family.


Dorothy is one of those people who is out spoken. She’d take initiative when needed and seek clarity where disputed, a team player all the way, and a go-getter. Communication skills at 99%. A driver of progression and a motivator.

A couple of months back, she would be what we refer to as very green, i.e.  When she joined @keepitneatandclean 

 She once shared “Unajua aki ata mimi venye nilikuja Keep It Neat sikuwa natambua, but eh Madam naye akakazana na mimi kwa Trainings hadi sasa I am very confident. Hata nikitumwa mahali I am certain I can deliver…”

More than half a year later, Dorothy is proud of her journey. She is awed at the path she is treading on. And we are proud.

Even as you, Dorothy, explore horizons, we are sending love and light through the continents. Soar!

Last week’s piece: employee appreciation was a light bulb moment.Going through the motions of a typical work week, it dawned that the grande Christmas season gesture is actually daily compounded interest all year round.

The motivation, the encouragement, the positive vibes, the urging on, this sums up appreciation.

Appreciation breeds development.

Welcome to our TedTalk.

Most times people feel the need to be better when the circumstances around them are motivational and inspirational. The yearning to be and to do conflict less when betterment is the goal.


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