
Nov 10, 2020 | General Cleaning | 0 comments

You know how most times, you may encounter a stubborn stain? (Insert exhale sounds*)and how it takes you about 30 minutes of abrasive scrubbing, harsh detergents, and too much effort to get rid of it…

You know how most times, you may encounter a stubborn stain? (Insert exhale sounds*)and how it takes you about 30 minutes of abrasive scrubbing, harsh detergents, and too much effort to get rid of it…



Hydrogen Peroxide.

And a spray bottle.

Chemistry class 101: Hydrogen Peroxide is a peroxide and oxidizing agent with disinfectant, antiviral and anti-bacterial activities which on total application, exerts its oxidizing activity, and produces free radicals, which leads to oxidative damage to proteins and membrane lipids, resultantly inactivating and destroying pathogens and preventing the spread of infection. {Thank you Google}

You know how most times, you may encounter a stubborn stain? (Insert exhale sounds*) well I have a solution for your worries. A #LifeHack.

You’ll definitely thank me later.

Let me shed some light on this so-called #LifeHack that lives up to its reputation.

H2O2 is perfect for:

  • Clearing molds on walls and ceilings.
  • Clearing scum in bathrooms and toilets.
  • Disinfecting toothbrushes.
  • Clearing stains on fabrics and upholstery.
  • Disinfecting wooden cutting/chopping boards.
  • Eliminating undesirable odors.
  • Getting rid of airborne germs.

Just to mention a few.

Hydrogen Peroxide can be found in some supermarkets, chemists and detergent and chemical shops pale Charles Rubia Rd. What retails is its mild form. You can enquire from the experts at your point of purchase.

Tupatie feedback once you try it out.

Na pia ukiwa unayo uchovu iliyozidi, contact us @keepitneat on info@keepitneat.co.ke or 0713 921 610, we’ll gladly offer the service at an affordable price.


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